I woke to an empty house this morning. Everyone is gone. Every one has left me except for the dogs. They are wildly wagging their tails, competing for attention. They are eagerly starring at me and trying to heard me to the kitchen. Its breakfast, yummy! Its breakfast. Cold chicken in the microwave, three cups of chow in each bowl, one in Tommy's and we're in the middle of a feeding frenzy with tails wagging.
I went out to make sure our day man has started working with my menagerie. I worked with him to clean out their houses and feed them. I groomed a few of the guys and played with the dogs and horses. The cattle need to be cared for and the cheese maker lady is came to collect milk It was pure enjoyment, especially after rarely working for a couple weeks. I want to work for the rest of the day just to be outside with the animals but I am tired, truly tired.
I checked my blood sugar. 76, I better get some carbs. I made oatmeal and stirred in some Lingberries to sweeten it and cooked an egg to soft boil. I drank a glass of Oolong Tea with ice and then went out to the deck with cup of coffee, my pipe and watched everything and nothing in the mountains that surround me.
I felt horny. Smoking my pipe can do that. I was free, the chastity belts are not in use. I crawled in bed to masturbate. I edged myself over and over but I couldn't cum. Edging in itself was blissful Oh how I wanted wanted to cum so badly that I arched my back involuntarily as each attempt failed. I wondered if Master has planted a subliminal something or other in the recordings that he makes me listen to while bound. Is that why I'm not wearing any chastity devices. Is he torturing me?
That's a good question. The animals obviously missed you. Have a long and relaxing day.