Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Things and Compulsive Work

The Storms knocked out our electricity and lightening traveled through the electrical system, knocking out most of the electronics. We replaced everything, including some of the wiring. Besides that, I haven't felt much like writing.

I spend most of my days painting and working with the animals. Evenings are spent in front of the fire reading and snuggling. It was especially peaceful while the electricity was out.

We're adding a coral for the new and latest addition to the menagerie. The menagerie is a dream come true for me. I have dreamed about this for as long as I can remember so it should come as no surprise that I am adding reindeer to the family. It seems a little more that coincidental that we're planning this during the Christmas Season. We will be flying to Wisconsin and renting a trailer to bring them home.

It's Christmas eve. We bought a live aromatic cedar. The branches seem to cascade from the top. It is about twelve feet tall and it fills the entire house with cedar perfume. We loosely wove several thousand led lamps through the branches. Iron reindeer adorn the fireplace. The dining table is decorated with Della Robia of aromatic evergreen branches with fruit and silver dollar eucalyptus.

The tree will obviously be planted outdoors near the house so we can enjoy the scent all year. We're leaving the lights in the tree.  The fruit will be eaten so there is very little waste once the Yule has passed.

Speaking of Yule, We had a Winter Solstice party on Sunday with friends from the city. It got a little out of hand. Some people stayed the night and called in sick the next day.

Dinner is simple tonight. It's not befitting the decorations on the table but what the hell. Tony made Tuscan Bean soup and Olive bread.  He used the Mincemeat that Reggie sent from London for a pie.

Ian, Butch, Daniel, Christopher, Jason, Tony, The entire Menagerie and I wish you all Happy Holidays, whatever you celebrate.

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