Thursday, May 14, 2015

It's Going to be a Long, Long Trek

I wish that I had something interesting to talk about. It seemed that we were all work and play but there is nothing new about that. We didn't do anything that we hoped to do exact take time to take time with each other without allowing for interruptions.

We didn't change the blog or the site and most likely won't until July.

I encourage my boy to take his trip to Bhutan to take his trek along with his friend. He should be arriving at the Monastery sometime soon but he is out of reach at the moment. He'll need to acclimate to the thin air for a few days before starting out. He'll have nothing with him beside the clothes on their backs, a change of underwear and dry socks. I think he might take his camera but he's more into memories than pictures. When he paints, he creates moods and impressions from memories.

He finished several paintings before he left and decided to turn the fleece from his animals over to a commercial facility this year. He's spending more time painting than any other activity in the studio.

I have been working outside more since I shed all business concerns outside of running this place (financially). Butch runs everything else around here, including my ass when I am out in his territory. It's odd (as my boy might say) that I feel less interest in going out and feel like working the ranch instead. I never before thought I'd be happy do this manual labor shit, but it is damn fun and makes me feel like an honest man. Makes me horny too. Something I can hardly deal with in the boys absence. 

Something on the kinky side.

 from Tumblr
I saw this picture sometime ago and got all hard over it. I had some girls up in Canada reproduce except that every single buckle locks with a padlock and the hands will be restrained behind his back. The waist and chest cinchers have roller buckles for easy tightening. The boy hasn't seen it yet. It should arrive before he comes home.


  1. The picture makes me hard too, but I want to be in it.

  2. Me too, and it should give you something to do apart from the manual labour :)

    There's something very sexy about having the arms strapped to the side too I find, almost more than behind in some ways. It's "almost free" but not, frustrating in the extreme.
    Glad things are well with you and the ranch continues to flourish, as do your relationships. Wishing you well.

  3. That looks very much like the Hanging Harness from Blackstore in Switzerland. I am sure you are aware of this shop, if not, check it out, they do great stuff!
