Saturday, July 26, 2014

Our Planet from the Air

Slave sent me a link to a movie on BBC. I couldn't view it through that link but I found it on YouTube:

It is artistically beautiful and a very distressing look at how humans are destroying the Global Environment but ends on a positive note. It suggests ways of changing the course we're on.

Please watch it and make a pledge to do just one thing to change the path we are on. I am changing a few things that will help. I am lousy at recycling, I'll make choices that are less fuel consuming when I travel and I'm going to eat less meat. You might too when you see how our meat is raised and the global cost. These are choices that are simple and most obvious for me to make. I hope that I can do more.

Now onto something kinky. The idea came from something Master saw on a Tumblr page.
He trapped my balls behind me between two long bamboo logs that he stole from a planter on the pool patio. He forced me to kneel then he tied my ankles to my thighs, spreading my legs as far as possible. He tied my wrists behind my back, made a monkey fist from rope and gagged me with it. He tied a rope collar and lead around my neck and let me that way. The pain in my balls grew as did the stress of kneeling on tile and being unable to do anything to relief the growing discomfort. I came back about a half hour later (it felt like hours) and pushed my forehead to the floor. He mounted my behind and fucked me. His movement stretched my balls further causing a sick feeling pain in my groin. My knees felt like they were being pierced by the tile corners. The worst thing was that I had oatmeal for breakfast so I had gas. (Very unsexy to fart while being fucked.)


  1. I was ok (ish) with that position till I realised you had no hands for support. I can feel the groin pain from here :)
    As for the farts - well some people get what they deserve but I doubt if Master likes being blown that way lol.

  2. Oh, and almost forget, thanks for watching that film. It brought home to me the effects of our daily life on the entire planet, each action chipping away at the foundations.

  3. i enjoyed how Master used your hole to get off.

  4. I immediately started pointing fingers at myself. My showers are much too long, I eat more meat than I should, in fact, once I saw how cattle are raised for our consumption, I decided to give it up. Then I did more research which reminded me of what I already knew, most animals that we murder to put on our tables are raised in similar conditions. I am vegetarian and would like my entire family to do the same. Then there is this new thing that we just started while traveling that is unconscionable, leasing a jet for 2 or 3 people instead of flying commercial flights. I am going to stop that. If I as one person can change, perhaps more people will follow.

    Yes, well I earned a few hard slaps on the ass for the farts but it didn't offend him enough to stop.

  5. Humans care for what we eat. Plants feed animals, animal support life, the "circle of Life". Human activity has grown such that we influence the ecosystem. I bring good news: THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL IS NOT AN ONCOMING TRAIN. A new, non-polluting energy source using hydrogen from water, is about to emerge after $75 million of private investment over 20 years. Key words: Blacklight Power, SunCell [be prepared for serious study]. This is a global game changer which will reach everywhere and obsolete political and economic system deriving power from the control of energy.

  6. I've known of the possibilities for a long time. There are many non-polluting alternatives but the greed of the big oil companies constantly put road blocks up to practical use. Developing bio-fuel is a Band-Aid that is untenable in the long run.
