Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Nothing NEW

I don't know why I feel compelled to say anything here today. I forgot what it was that I was going to talk about. It must have been totally profound.

I went to my favorite Vape store today. I sat in the lounge with the manager while he taught me to build a new coil. We started talking about work ethic. I guess one of his employees called in sick at the time the store opened.

My manager friend said that he "hated people who don't show up for work but complain about all the money they need". Apparently he is having problems with a few of his employees but at the same said he understood because "the owner didn't want to pay his employees anything". It always amazes me when business owners pay minimum wage and expect loyalty and responsibility. They are unrealistic. My grand dad paid his employees as well as he could when he started his company, sometimes leaving his own family hungry. He put in more hours that he expected from any one that worked for him. Apparently this Vape store owner expects to male a living from the store that he almost never works.

It makes me wonder, could I open my own store(s) and give my friend the responsibility and autonomy in my absence to decisions befitting his experience and make sure that he has something besides a minimum wage job to offer his staff. If for no other reason than to give my friend and his loyal customers a better life? He would have my backing and I could give him the benefit of my business knowledge. I can almost feel my boy whispering in my ear.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I don't know, that was quite profound :)

    It may seem a bit corny to say it but what you've written above is more and more a reflection of society today. It's the "I want more for less and less" mentality. If you want someone to work but you don't give them any responsibility you simply won't get the results. People need to feel ownership to be able to give back something, they need to feel that they count for something in the scheme of things. It applies to personal as well as business life. You get what you give and if you try and give more you are likely to get even more in return.

    If people don't have a responsibility nothing is ever their fault, that's when things fall through the cracks and things go wrong.
    I bet that whisper in your ear was quite loud.
