Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Home, We Are All Home At Last

slave: The box is and isn't the same. The first box is sound proof and lined with leather. The straps are leather and it was designed so that multiple layers of rubber or leather can be worn inside. A minute amount of movement is possible and it is far more comfortable than the new steel box. I am much more cramped in the steel box. Attempts to move are painful because the metal straps are tight and the edges feel threatening against bare skin. I didn't design the thing and I'm not enamored with it.

Master Ian is home,  we are all home at last.
This is the first thing I've done today that doesn't require a "physical coupling" with Master since he walked in the door.

Just a picture from Tumblr.
The slave doesn't look happy.
That's that opposite of what I feel today but still, I emphasize with him.

On the other hand, bring chained and owned by Master is one of the best things in my life.


  1. I bet sound proof is something the steel box is definitely not. The metal table and now the box, is this a new phase to complement the leather rubber so you have a wide range of "facilities?" I was just wondering what the next item could be, although you seem to have most bases covered. I did think about a gibbet like they had in mediaeval times but don't want to put thoughts into anyone's head.

    Glad you are happy now everyone is back home. You can look forward to a summer together.

  2. We have a gibbet of sorts. It's made of woven leather straps. Boy crawls in and stand on a round wooden platform. The straps tighten around him as he rises of the ground.
