Monday, October 14, 2013

County Sheriff's visit.

I was strapped down on the spanking bench when all of the dogs started furiously barking. Master left me to see what the commotion was all about.  Two Sheriff's Deputies were at the front door of the house pounding on the door.  They asked to see me. 

The two deputies had handcuffed Master before he led them to the playroom.  They were shocked by seeing me strapped on the table by a dozen or so heavy brown straps and a ball gag in my mouth. One of the deputies held Master by the arm and the other removed the ball gag and started to undue the straps.  I protested and yelled "What the hell are you doing here and how id you get past the gate"? Before they answered, I laughed "You guys realize that he can break those cuffs and kill you very easily". I laughed again, "Master, you sure look cute in handcuffs".

Someone, I think a guy who came to play at being a slave that Master sent away called the authorities to make trouble. (He was trouble from the start.)

They asked me if I was okay.  "No, not really." They looked at each other. "We were about to have some fun before you interrupted us".

They continued interviewing me after another pair of officers came to take charge of Master. I walked two of the deputies up to the house. I was as naked as I was when I walked down to the "dungeon". The dogs followed in a cloud of white fur. Sancho stayed at my side. Hector stayed with Master to protect him. He's a monster of a Great Pyrenees who would give his life to protect us, especially Master. 

Christian was in town for the evening.

I had to convince the deputies that what they walked in on was a consensual activity.  I am the owner of the property. I have two full-time care takers and a cook that lives in town and that I have a body guard who has the evening off. I had to convince them that I am not held captive and that you can often see me alone in town at community activities. They asked me if I knew what Stockholm Syndrome is.  I answered yes and I told them that I certainly wasn't suffering from that.  The whole conversation was foolish as far as I was concerned. "Lets end this now", I said.  I made two phone calls.  I interrupted Christian's evening and asked him to come home then called my San Francisco Attorney to tell them of what he knows of my lifestyle with Ian. I handed the phone to the deputy.

Christian rushed home. He entered the house with his hand on his gun and looked at me.  I shook my head. The deputies were ready to jump him.  Christian demanded to see their badges and called 911 to see if they had actually sent deputies to the house. The legality of the gun, Christians position with us and all the legal crap went down quickly. Christian went to my bedroom to get a robe for me and we all walked down to the dungeon to make sure Ian was alright. He was still cuffed but he and the two deputies were laughing.

"Master, show them how you can break the cuffs". He looked at the deputies and within a second broke the cuffs and reached into his pocket for a handcuff key and removed the separated cuffs. He handed them to the deputy and told them he'd pay for new ones. The deputies apologized but I stopped them and reminded them about the mass Milwaukee murderer, Jeffrey Dahmer. The police stopped a kid that he was chasing and convinced him that it was consensual play.  He took the guy home and killed him, chopped him up and stuffed him in his freezer. "Better safe than sorry".

We made a few new friends.

"Master, that was more fun that getting my ass beaten".

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