Sunday, March 22, 2015


There is notion that I am sure that he thought of. There is already too much power in the garage as it is. A Panigale is obviously or gorgeous bike but le's show some restraint here Tony. I see that Master didn't tell you about his new Ducati that is bright shiny black. There seems to be some metaphor in his color choices. He gets the black, I get the white.

Master and Ray came up with a proper holding device for me. It is intense, it is restrictive but excruciating to be locked in it. I almost panicked the first time Ray locked my head in place in the helmet. I don't know why but I have never been entirely comfortable with rigid things over my head. I have anxiety when I put a full bike helmet over my head but like most things, I talk myself through it. Now I am thinking that a padded hood with hoses into the nostrils might feel really hot before having my head locked down. I was locked down for a little more than eight hours. I have to admit that near the end, I was wishing for a long soak in the hot tub followed a long rest under crisp linen and down.

We went on an after lunch ride on the new toys and stopped in a secluded patch of trees. Master ripped his fly open and pulled my jeans around my ankles to do the obvious. He nor I ever seem to get enough.

In response to Master's 24/7 bondage comment: I am in 24/7 bondage. The obvious is the steel ring that I wear around my neck. There is no way to get it off but cutting it off. He also keeps a steel belt locked above my hips because he thinks it looks hot when I am naked. It's also a form of appetite suppressant should I ever develop an appetite. I enjoy food but I have never had impulses that tell me to eat. 

Did you read about the Texas lawmaker that wants to make sodomy illegal and proposes that people caught doing sodomy should be shot through the head?  Which head was he thinking about anyway.

Is it true that Ted Cruze will run for President? I hope Americans are smart enough to run from the anomalous excuse for a human. He is a man who ardently chooses ignorance over knowledge.


  1. I like the idea that you have restraint in your choice of bikes as well as on your body, there's a sort of balance here. And no, he didn't mention his new Ducati, a balance there too, black for him.......

    Your bondage, yes I can see exactly what you mean about 24/7. The steel collar and the belt would do that.
    We're all in bondage one way or another don't you think, some times by choice, other times because it's what life dumps on us. I still like the feeling that you get immediately after you are freed from physical bondage, it works for me almost as much as the bondage itself. Like a new dawn for the body. As for your new table, that sounds quite out of this world for long term bondage. I have no doubts you'll be writing about it again soon - I hope. It's no wonder you wanted a long soak after that length of time.

    No, I haven't heard that news about your lawmakers. Some people in Texas probably still think the world ends when we have an eclipse too. Do they have woad there? Funny isn't it, the US is so "modern" in so many ways yet there are pockets of pure unadulterated ignorance - probably true of most places if we think about it though.

    Enjoy your riding both of you, I have to clean the Fireblade before it has a service on Wednesday. New tyres and hopefully no more speed tickets.

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